Friday 1 January 2016

Easiest Sweet Potato Pie



  1. 1recipe basic flaky piecrust
  2. 1tablespoon all-purpose flour, plus more for rolling
  3. 115-ounce can unsweetened sweet potato puree
  4. 1/2cup light brown sugar
  5. 1/3cup heavy cream
  6. 2large eggs
  7. 4tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted
  8. 1teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  9. 1/4teaspoon ground nutmeg
  10. 1/4teaspoon fine salt
  11. sweetened whipped cream, for serving


  1. Heat oven to 350° F with the rack in the lowest position. Roll the dough into a 12-inch circle on a floured work surface. Transfer to a 9-inch pie plate. Trim the dough to a 1-inch overhang and tuck under itself to form a thick rim; crimp the edge. Chill for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Combine the sweet potato puree, flour, sugar, cream, eggs, butter, vanilla, nutmeg, and salt in a large bowl. Pour the mixture into the chilled piecrust and bake until the center is set but still slightly wobbly, 50 to 55 minutes. Let cool.
  3. Serve with the whipped cream.
  4. Source:

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