Monday 28 December 2015

How to Make Ice Milk Tea


            2 bags of tea
            4 to 6 oz (125 to 185 ml) water
            4 oz (125 ml) sweetened condensed milk
            4 to 6 oz (125 to 185 ml) ice
            1: Boil the water. Heat the water in a tea kettle over medium to medium-high heat, allowing it to reach a boil.
         Most tea kettle whistle once your water is ready, but if yours does not, you will need to monitor it visually.
         If you do not have a tea kettle, you could use a small saucepan or electric hot pot to boil the water, instead.
         You could also boil water using your microwave, but there are a few precautions you should take to minimize the risk of superheating the water. Place a non-metallic object, like a set of wooden chopsticks, in the water as it heats, and only use a microwave-safe dish. Heat the water in short intervals, no longer than 1 or 2 minutes in length.
            2: Place the tea bags in a large mug. After situating the bags in the mug, pour the boiling water over them.
         Black tea works best for iced milk tea prepared in this method, but oolong tea would also work well. Regardless of the tea you choose, it should be fairly strong.
         If using black tea leaves, place them in a mesh tea ball or clean nylon sock to form a "bag" of sorts. Use 2 to 4 tsp (10 to 20 ml) of loose-leaf tea for this method.
3: Let the tea steep. The tea should steep for about 2 minutes, unless the directions on your brand of tea specifically state otherwise.
         Since this will be an iced tea, you do not need to worry about the loss of heat caused by keeping the tea exposed as it steeps.
4: Add the condensed milk. Remove the tea bags and pour the condensed milk in. Stir until well-incorporated.
         You can vary the amount of condensed milk based on your own individual tastes.
         Note that condensed milk is fairly sweet, so you will not need to add sugar or another sweetener after adding the milk.
5: Fill a glass with ice. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes or crushed ice until it is at least half full.
         While filling the glass to the top with ice will cause the tea to be diluted and watery, adding too little ice will not allow the tea to cool down fast enough. The glass should be about 1/2 to 3/4 ful.

6: Pour the tea over the ice and enjoy. Pour the milk tea from the mug you steeped it in and into your glass of ice. Enjoy immediately.

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