Tuesday 29 December 2015

Chicken & Wild Mushroom Tagliatelle


  • (For 2-4 people):
  • 1 Onion
  • 1 Packet pre cooked chicken slices (or leftover chicken or ham)
  • A Handful of dried mushrooms (soaked in hot water)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Small dash of white wine
  • Small dash of cream
  • Vegetable Oxo Cube
  • Small dash of oil
  • Fresh Tagliatelle for 2-4 people


- First, soak the dried mushrooms in 1/2 mug hot water and leave
- Chop up the onion
-Slice the chicken into small cubes (and mushrooms if large)
- Mix the Oxo cube with boiling water (by instructions) to form a vegetable stock
- Take a frying pan and heat up a small amount of oil until hot
- Fry the onions until soft and then add the garlic
- Once soft, add the chicken and fry for a minute
- Pour in the dried mushrooms (with water)
- Once water has nearly evaporated pour in half the stock and leave to simmer
- Start cooking the Tagliatelle (Fresh pasta should take about 4 mins)
- When quantity of stock has halved add a couple of dashes of white wine and then a dash of cream (sauce should be quite thick and golden in colour)
- Once cream has been added, stir and remove from the heat
- Serve over fresh Tagliatelle and enjoy! :)
Source: studentrecipes.com

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