Monday 2 December 2013

3Dsimo: Uber-cool 3D Pen Draws 3D Objects

3D pens and printers are the future. The technology is not perfect but we have already seensome promising products. 3Dsimo happens to be another 3D pen that allows you to draw 3D objects. Simply use it to bring your ideas to life. The device works like a pencil. You can use it to repair plastic devices, bond models, create jewelry, and build prototypes.
The 3Dsimo pen weighs 180grams and its length is 170 mm. Your package will include 3 ABS strings in different colors and 3 PLA 3 strings. I love the fact that the product gives you flexibility as far what you can use to print items. This awesome 3D pen is on Indiegogo right now

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