Friday 15 January 2016

Stuffed tomatoes

Stuffed tomatoes


  • 6 really big tomatoes
  • 2 balls of mozzarella
  • 12 basil leaves
  • 4 pieces cooked red pepper from a jar
  • 2 tbsp pesto  or red pesto
  • 6 slices ciabatta or crusty bread, toasted and brushed with olive oil


    1. Ask a grown-up to turn the oven to 200C/180C fan/ gas 6. Cut the tops off tomatoes (keep tops) and scoop the insides into a sieve set over a bowl.
    2. Cut the mozzarella into chunks and snip or tear up the basil leaves.
    3. Sit the tomatoes in a baking dish. Add a few chunks of mozzarella into each tomato.
    4. Put a few torn basil leaves into each one.
    5. Tear or snip the red pepper into pieces, then add a piece to each tomato. Add more mozzarella, basil and pepper in layers until each tomato is full.
    6. Put a blob of pesto in each tomato, then put the tops back on. Pour over the juices from the tomato insides. Ask a grown-up to put them in the oven for 20 mins.
    7. Source:

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